How to Tie Your Shoelaces

How to Tie Shoelaces

A Primer for Absolute Beginners

Setting Your Foundation

Step One

how to tie shoelaces

Cross the blue end over the yellow end.
The blue end is now on the right side.

Step Two

how to tie shoelaces

Wrap the blue end around
the front of the yellow lace.

Step Three

how to tie shoelaces

Feed the blue end through the gap
to emerge at the front right side.

Step Four

Step 4 Basic Knot
Pull both ends tight and you'll be ready
to move on to the shoelace knot.


Standard Shoelace Knot

Step One

how to tie shoelaces

Make the blue end into a loop
by simply doubling it back onto itself.

 Step Two

how to tie shoelaces

Take the yellow end and pass it around,
behind the blue loop.

Step Three

Standard Knot Step 3
Wrap the yellow end around
the blue loop to end up in front.
Step Four

Standard Knot Step 4
Feed the yellow lace into
the hole that has just been made.
Step Five

Standard Knot Step 5
With the yellow lace now
through the hole, pull both loops tight.

Step Six

how to tie standard knot

Continue pulling on the loops
until the knot is firmly tied.



How to Fix Crooked Bows and Slipping Laces

Do your shoelaces always come undone? Do your shoelace bows sit vertically instead of across the shoe?
If so, you're probably tying a "granny knot." One simple change to your technique
will result in a balanced knot that sits straight and stays secure.

Balanced Knot

how to tie shoelaces

Unbalanced Knot

how to tie Unbalanced Knot


Balance Your Knot
Left Over Right
Left Over Right
Right Over Left
Right Over Left

If your shoelaces often go vertical, all you have to do is reverse your starting knot.
Do you normally begin with left over right? Try right over left instead,
then continue tying your knot the same as you always do.
Do you normally begin with right over left? Switch it up.

Creating an attractive, balanced shoelace knot is as simple as that.


This tutorial was created by Ian Fieggen, known as Professor Shoelace.
For even cooler, faster shoelace knots and advanced tying techniques,
please visit his website here: 
Ian's Shoelace Site