
ShoelacesExpress.com was created for the purpose of providing you the customer a website dedicated to shoelaces and shoe related products. We stand behind every item we sell from ShoeLacesExpress.Com.

Orders are Processed by The Peas and Corn Company, Inc.
ShoeLacesExpress.com is subsidiary of The Peas & Corn Company, Inc. All orders are processed by the parent company. ShoelacesExpress.com was created for the purpose of providing you the customer a Website dedicated to shoelaces and related products. The Peas and Corn Company, Inc. stands behind every item it sells from ShoelacesExpress.com.

    We Want To Know What You Think
    Please use our Contact Us Form anytime with comments, questions, and suggestions about how we can make shopping with ShoelacesExpress.com an even better experience.
      100% Guaranteed
      At ShoeLacesExpress.com Customer Satisfaction is our highest priority. Therefore, You our customer decide what satisfaction is for you. You can also decide how long you are entitled to be satisfied, we guarantee your total satisfaction. The Winge family
        Using the Shopping Cart
        When you find a product you want to purchase simply select the number for the quantity of the item you would like to order by typing the quantity in the box or clicking the + or - buttons to adjust your desired quantity. Then click the "Add to Shopping Cart" button. Items are kept in your Shopping Cart until you're ready to "Check Out." You can view your Shopping Cart at anytime and delete or add items easily.

          Security Statement
          ShoelacesExpress.com takes credit card information security seriously and uses a variety of technical solutions to make shopping safe at ShoelacesExpress.com. 

          Once you enter a credit card number, it remains secure on our hosting server. Our secure server software encrypts information, ensuring that your transactions stay private and protected. We will never display the card number in any correspondence over the Internet.

            Privacy Statement
            ShoelacesExpress.com will not sell, distribute, or make available any of our customer information to third parties not directly involved with the processing of orders. This information is for the sole use of ShoelacesExpress.com in serving our customers.
              Payment Methods
              We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, and Shopify Pay through our secure shopping cart. All prices are quoted in US currency by default. To view our prices in different currencies, please select a different currency on the upper-left dropbox of any page.
                Shipping Info
                All products are shipped using the U.S. Postal Service or FedEx with tracking.